#dot product evaluation
def dp(x,d):
a = d/2-1
return (2/3*a^4*x^4+4*a^3*x^4+22/3*a^2*x^4-2*a^3*x^2+4*a*x^4-6*a^2*x^2-4*a*x^2+1/2*a^2+1/2*a) / (2/3*a^4+2*a^3+11/6*a^2+1/2*a)
#same as return expand(gegenbauer(4,d/2-1,x)/gegenbauer(4,d/2-1,1))
def K4bound(n,k,l,m):
#auxiliary variables
aux_root = sqrt((l-m)^2+4*(k-m))
aux_quot = (2*k+(n-1)*(l-m))/aux_root
#positive eigenvalue with multiplicity
r = (l-m+aux_root)/2
f = (n-1-aux_quot)/2
#negative eigenvalue with multiplicity
s = (l-m-aux_root)/2
g = (n-1+aux_quot)/2
#inner products in R^g
p = s/k
q = -(s+1)/(n-k-1)
#consider vectors V=(v_1+...) and E=(e_1+...), where all v_i and e_i are unit vectors in R^g with the dot product computed via the above function; if A=V^2, B=VE, C=E^2, by Cauchy-Schwartz B^2<=AC
A = n*(1+k*dp(p,g)+(n-k-1)*dp(q,g)) #with itself, edges, non-edges
#denominators of edges and squares
normpp = 2+2*p
normp = sqrt(normpp)
#B=VE, fix vertex v, sum over different edges
B = k*dp((1+p)/normp,g) #edge from v to N(v)
B += k*l/2*dp(2*p/normp,g) #edges inside N(v)
B += (n-k-1)*m*dp((p+q)/normp,g) #edges between N(v) and N'(v)
B += (n-k-1)*(k-m)/2*dp(2*q/normp,g) #edges inside N'(v)
B *= n #over all verticies
#C=E^2, fix edge uv, sum over different edges
#x=x_{uv} - number of edges in N(u)\cap N(v)
#C=\sum_{uv}(C0+C1 x_{uv}) will be computing C0 and C1 below
#\sum_{uv}x_{uv}=6 times number of K4
C0 = dp(1,g) #with itself
C1 = 0
#vertices except u and v are split into
#V_0 = N(u) \cap N(v) has l elements
#V_1 = N(u) \cap N'(v) has k-l-1 elements
#V_2 = N'(u) \cap N(v) has k-l-1 elements
#V_3 = N'(u) \cap N'(v) has n-2k+l elements
C0 += 2*l*dp((1+3*p)/normpp,g) #edges from u or v to V_0
C0 += 2*(k-l-1)*dp((1+2*p+q)/normpp,g) #edges from u to V_1 or from v to V_2
C1 += dp(4*p/normpp,g) #edges in V_0
#precomputing dot products, indexed by number of edges between two edges that are multiplied
dp3 = dp((3*p+q)/normpp,g)
dp2 = dp((2*p+2*q)/normpp,g)
dp1 = dp((p+3*q)/normpp,g)
dp0 = dp(4*q/normpp,g)
C0 += 2*l*(l-1)*dp3 #edges between V_0 and (V_1 or V_2) Prop1(i)
C1 -= 4*dp3
C0 += l*(k-2*l)*dp2 #edges in V_1 or V_2 Prop1(ii)
C1 += 2*dp2
C0 += ((m-1)*(k-l-1)-l*(l-1))*dp2 #edges between V_1 and V_2 Prop1(iii)
C1 += 2*dp2
C0 += 2*((k-m)*(k-l-1)-l*(k-2*l))*dp1 #edges between V_3 and (V_1 or V_2) Prop1(iv)
C1 -= 4*dp1
C0 += l*(k-2*l)*dp2 #edges between V_0 and V_3 Prop1(v)
C1 += 2*dp2
C0 += (k*(n-2*k+l)/2-(k-m)*(k-l-1)+l*(k-2*l)/2)*dp0 #edges in V_3 Prop1(vi)
C1 += dp0
if A==0 or C1<=0:
return 0
return ceil(((B^2/A-C0*n*k/2)/(6*C1)).n())