Undergraduate students
If you are currently an undergrad student at UofM and would like to do some research project under my supervision, feel free to get in touch with me by email and include the following: list of math courses you completed with grades, any other relevant experience, preferences regarding the project. Our work can be done as a project course Math 4910 or through a summer research award for which you'd have to apply in a timely manner, see USRA and/or URA.
Potential graduate students (M.Sc. or Ph.D.)
If you are interested in pursuing a M.Sc. or Ph.D. degree under my supervision on a thesis topic related to my research interests (for M.Sc. this relation can be quite distant; for Ph.D. note that my research is of rather theoretical character, so if you have M.Sc. in applied mathematics, then you have to be ready for theoretical work and have excellent background), you must apply for graduate studies in the department as described here (M.Sc.) or here (Ph.D.).
Potential postdocs
PIMS postdoctorall fellowship is described here. It is rather mandatory that your research experience is close to my published work. Ideally we should complete a joint project before you apply.
Former trainees
- Sohvat Saini (co-supervised with A. Arman) Volumes of bodies of constant width (MXML project, Fall 2024)
- Jaskaran Singh (co-supervised with A. Arman) Hadwiger's conjecture for cap bodies in small dimensions (undergraduate research project, September - December 2024)
- Andrii Arman (postdoc, PIMS postdoc, May 2021 - Jul 2024) worked on certain questions in combinatorial geometry. See my publication list for the resulting works joint with A. Arman.
- Jaskaran Singh [A. Prymak, J. Singh, Whitney-type estimates for convex functions, Pure and Applied Functional Analysis, Special Issue on Approximation Theory and Related Topics dedicated to Professor Dany Leviatan on the occasion of his 80th birthday, accepted on Jan. 1 2024 download (arXiv)] (undergraduate research project, May - August 2023)
- Mingyang Diao On Hadwiger covering problem in five- and six-dimensional Euclidean spaces (MSc thesis, 2022)
- Jiyoung Kim "Some properties of hyperbolic cross polynomials" (undergraduate research project, May - August 2020)
- Aseespal Singh Sehgal "Discretization of integral norms of hyperbolic cross polynomials in two dimensions" (undergraduate research project, May - August 2020)
- Olena Usoltseva Estimates of Christoffel function on multivariate domains (PhD thesis, 2019)
- Serhii Brodiuk and Nazar Palko [S. Brodiuk, N. Palko, A. Prymak, On Banach-Mazur distance between planar convex bodies, Aequationes Mathematicae, 92 (2018) 993-1000 download (arXiv) view Springer's version through ReadCube] (undergraduate research project, February 2017 - March 2018)
- Justin Roznik "Algorithmic construction of 3-monotone quadratic spline with fixed knots" (undergraduate research project, August 2017)
- Yuxiang Hu "On uniqueness of (175,72,20,36)-strongly regular graph" (undergraduate research project, May - August 2017)
- Patrick Naylor "Whitney constants for approximation by linear functions" (undergraduate research project, May 2014)
- Oleksandr Maizlish [O. Maizlish, A. Prymak, Convex polynomial approximation in R^d with Freud weights, Journal of Approximation Theory, 192 (2015) 60--68 download (arXiv)] (postdoc, May - August 2014)
- Danylo Radchenko Orientation preserving approximation (MSc thesis, 2012)
- Ivan Iurchenko Properties of extremal convex bodies (MSc thesis, 2012)